Sport Wales grants for Clubs and Groups
There is a range of grant aid available for sports clubs in our county that can be accessed via Alan Jones, from Sport Pembrokeshire, who does a great job of keeping sporting organisations informed.
Please have a look NOW on because the details may be of immense benefit for you!
Be Active Wales Fund (opens in a new tab)
This is a grant of between £300 and £50,000 to help you get more people participating, or to help you keep people taking part at your club or activity into the future.
Crowdfunder - A Place for Sport (opens in a new tab)
This is a match-funding opportunity for improvements you want to make at your club or activity that aren't directly related to getting people playing or taking part.
The Energy Saving Grant (opens in a new tab)
The Energy Saving Grant is a pilot grant from Sport Wales, aimed at community clubs who want to make energy-saving improvements. These improvements will not only help reduce clubs’ utility bills but will also make a positive impact on the environment.
Visit our website for more details
Contact us for help and guidance
Above, Alan Jones, Sports Development Link Officer / Swyddog Cyswllt Datblygu Chwaraeon
Golf Development Officer / Swyddog Datblygu Golff